Dedicated to capturing Harlow, in pictures...

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Harlow - Sculpture Town

Some signs appeared a while back, introducing Harlow as a "Sculpture Town" - whatever one of those is. A quick glance at Google suggests that this is a title unique to Harlow, but if that is the case then it's understandable, really.

Above is the official interactive map showing the sites of the 66 sculptures of varying types, shapes and sizes scattered around the town. With works from the likes of Henry Moore, Elisabeth Frink, and Rodin, this is a serious art collection which people travel to see. We who are resident are fortunate enough to have them on out doorsteps, and in most cases, we probably take them for granted. 

"Sundial" - Museum Garden
Almost every area has a sculpture or several of its own - the Town Centre is positively over-run With them, and even Church Langley have one of their own - outside Tesco. They range from the starkly modern (Solo Flight, at Mark Hall, and Echo, at Staple Tye) to the historic - Rodin's "Eve". Some were commisioned specifically with their space in the town in mind, and others have been purchased to add to the collection.

Next time you are walking through the town, to your local shops, or perhaps in the Town park, cast your eyes around you and see how many of these works you have been strolling past, without giving a second thought.

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