Dedicated to capturing Harlow, in pictures...

Monday, 12 March 2012

Housing in Harlow

One of the noticeable things about Harlow is the wide range of differing styles of housing in each area. It was one of the key things when the town was being planned - that varying types of people would live, essentially "mixed together", and of course that each  individual area has that all important green space. At Jane Drew designed Tanys Dell, above, their balconies have a view out over this lovely green with its mature trees, and every flat has its own balcony - even the ground floor. 

The mix of differing tyes of housing is illustrated clearly here at Mistley Road - with family houses and smaller bungalows sitting side by side. Almost all of Harlow's neighbourhood areas have this mix, with housing ranging from tiny bungalows, through houses of varying sizes, to flats, mostly low-rise but with most areas having a single mid-rise block also.

The Main arterial roads through each neighbourhood area keep to the Harlow theme of green spaces too - with wide grass verges and spacious roads. Of course back in the 1950's when these were built they would have appeared even more spacious, as hardly any cars would have been parked along them!


  1. I love the idea of this blog, just recording different parts and ideas and histories about a town ... lovely.

    1. Thanks Jan! I noticed that there was a bit of a gap in the market, when I started looking at the history of the town, so decided to do something to start to get lots of snippets of information about the town, all in one place. Hopefully as time goes on, it will build into a useful resource for people!
