Dedicated to capturing Harlow, in pictures...

Friday, 3 February 2012


Welcome to Recording Harlow - a blog dedicated to capturing the town's history in pictures. We've lived here since 2003 - and have always had an interest in the history of the town. It's easy to dismiss Harlow as "just another new Town" - and of course, it IS "another" New Town, but it's more than that as well. For example, nearly one-third of Harlow is open space. It was carefully designed that way, and, in fact, that was one of the things that the new residents found it hardest to get used to back in the 1950's when they started arriving - the fact that everywhere you looked, there was GREEN! Harlow Town Park is one of the largest of it's type anywhere in the country, and we are also home to the first ever residential high-rise block.

Keep checking back - the site may not be updated daily, or even weekly, but as and when I get the chance to just go out and wander with a camera, and capture another facet of the town, I promise you'll find the results here.

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